Saturday, January 15, 2011

Beautiful day

Well I slept in a little today, all the way till 4am....

Went and had my shower and then outside for my morning smoke.  WoW talk about colder than I have ever known!  It was -60 with the wind chill.....

The morning routine is getting busier,  seem like all the day shift crew is coming in at the same time instead of staggered like before.  Thats all ok tho cause I am used to dealing with way more volume than this.  My wrist is getting worse each day.  The medic here thinks its either a burst vein or possible tendinitis.  Oh well good thing I see the doc the morning after I get home.  There is NO way that I am going to miss any work over this tho.  NOT A CHANCE.  even if I have to wear a cast Ill be here!

The sky here is just totally mind blowing at times.  About an hour before sunrise the sky here turned the most brilliant colours of burnt orange and green.  Once the sun was up there was these really weird things in the sky,  Rob came out at one point and told me they were `Sun Dogs``  They are the most beautiful things I have seen in the sky.  Reflections of the sun on either side of it.  Totally mind blowing and nothing that we would ever see at home.

It warmed up today after the sun came up, all the way to -55 with the wind chill.  The snow here is so different from home on the island.  Here its all  very fine, fine like sugar.  Itll blow around on the ground like sand on the desert.  Really cool to watch.  When i go out for a smoke I wont even notice anything on me till I come back inside and find Im covered in it!

Things are moving fast with my new girlfriend and i am really enjoying it a lot.  Like ive said we have liked each other for a long time, years as a mater of fact, and now we can be true to our feelings.  Others may not understand and thats OK with me.  I know how I have felt about her for  a long long time and now I can express it openly.  We have so much in common, we can talk about anything and can be so open and honest.  Been awhile since ive had that.

I cant wait to get home.....

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